留学生选修/旁听课程申请表Application Form for Courses(SCM)
申请学期:2014-2015学年第一学期 填表日期Date:
姓名 Name | (英语)in English | 性别Gender | 国籍 Nationality | 照 片 Photo | |||||||
(中文)in Chinese | 所在系 Department | 类别 Type | □普通进修生General Advanced □高级进修生Senior Advanced | ||||||||
主修专业Major course | 上课时间Time | 专业老师Tutor | |||||||||
本学期申请选修课程(最多5门课)Elective courses(at most 5 subjects) | |||||||||||
科目名称Name | 任课教师Tutor | 上课时间Time | 上课教室Classroom | ||||||||
本学期申请旁听课程(最多2门课)Other courses taken(at most 2 subjects) | |||||||||||
科目名称Name | 任课教师Tutor | 上课时间Time | 上课教室Classroom | ||||||||
教务科审批意见 | |||||||||||
备注:1、上课时间请写明星期几,第几节课。2. 请各科任课老师签字确认。
Note: 1. Please write the details of time for courses according to the schedule, for example: Monday, 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. 2. Please ask the tutors to sign in the blank.