



























 1) 参赛要求

① 本活动不收取报名费;

② 参赛者须年满18周岁(2004年10月23日前出生),无国籍和职业限制。

③ “2021上海音乐学院国际数字音乐节”初赛投稿作品不得再次投稿。  

2) 作品内容

① 题材不限、风格不限,包括但不限于:游戏配乐;游戏CG动画配乐、游戏人物主题音乐、游戏场景音乐等以游戏为主题音乐的应用性音乐(包括歌曲)创作;动漫配乐;短视频配乐;影视视频配乐;

② 必须是参赛者本人创作的作品(无论该作品是否已发表);

③ 每人限提交1部作品。作品时长3-5分钟。音频文件格式须为48kHz,16-Bit,立体声,WAV文件;单个视频文件最大不超过1GB,MP4或MOV(H.264编码)文件。


3) 作品形式


- 不同情境、状态对应的音乐段落;

- 不同音乐段落之间的非线性衔接过渡;

- 使用游戏音频中间件构建的互动示例。

4) 报名所需材料

① 一部符合技术规格要求的配乐视频作品或纯音频作品;

② 一份正确填写的并由参赛者本人签名的报名表扫描件(请见附件一);

③ 一张完整、清晰、有效的身份证或护照扫描件;

④ 一份由参赛者签名的原创声明扫描件(请见附件二)

5) 截稿日期(北京时间)


6) 报名及联络方式





咨询邮箱:shmadc@163.com (仅限咨询使用,非作品提交邮箱)



7) 注意事项

① 参赛作品中不得出现本人姓名等个人信息。

② 不符合以上活动条款者将取消参与评审资格(主办方、评委会成员不得有作品参与评审)。

③ 如出现原创性纠纷,后果由参赛者自行承担,大赛有权撤回奖项及奖金、奖品。


1) 入围人数及要求



2) 决赛入围名单公布时间


3) 参赛形式


4) 需提交材料

① 详细的作品说明,设计构思,乐谱;

② 决赛作品的音频分轨文件及工程文件;

③ 初赛作品的混音前分轨文件,不低于8轨。

5) 截稿日期
















1. 入围者将受邀出席音乐会暨颁奖仪式。

2. 音乐会时间:2023年1月7日  




1. 凡填写并提交报名表者即默认为承认本章程。

2. 如参赛者不如实填写个人资料,主办方有权取消其参赛资格并收回其所获荣誉。

3. 决赛中命题作品的著作权属于作者本人。

4. 获奖者须同意无偿提供并授予主办方如下权利:

① 主办方有权对获奖作品的源文件以及任何形式的声像制品作非商业性使用;

② 主办方拥有获奖作品的首演权以及演出和出版优先权;

③ 主办方拥有参赛者活动期间的所有影像权。

5. 获奖作品无论在何处上演,根据获奖等级,其乐谱封面或音乐会节目单上需注明本次活动的获奖信息,例如:“本作品获得2022上海音乐学院国际数字音乐节游戏音乐创作三等奖。”


1. 如遇疫情等不可抗力因素,主办方有权更改活动时间及活动形式。

2. 本章程的解释权归主办方所有。

3. 本章程发布后如有变动以主办方最新公布的信息为准。







2022 International Digital Music Festival of Shanghai Conservatory of Music

Rules for the Game Music Group


I. General Principles

Shanghai Conservatory of Music had jointly organised the Shanghai Conservatory of Music International Digital Music Festival in 2021 with miHoYo Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd to promote the intense application and creation of digital audio art and technology in China, as well as the development of its discipline. Since, last year's festival was well appreciated by the society, we would like to continue to hold associated academic events including collecting excellent works, lectures, summit discussions in the game music track. The goal of this festival is to promote development and research in the field of applied music creation in China. We are dedicated to constructing and fostering a domestic environment conducive to the rapid development of related professional disciplines, as well as encouraging the training of high-level inter-disciplinary talents in this game music of China.


II. Organizational Structure

Hosted by: Shanghai Conservatory of Music

Guided by: Shanghai Municipal Education Commission

Undertaken by:

Shanghai Music Art Development Center for Collaborative Innovation

miHoYo Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd


Co-undertaken by:

CRI Middleware China Co., Ltd.


Co-organizer by

Shanghai Information Services Association Digital Music Audio Professional Committee

Jury Committee

The jury is made up of specialists from renowned music schools both at home and abroad, as well as well-known industry musicians.


III. Collection of Entries: Game Music Group

1. Selection Methods

(1) The selection of entries of this group is carried out in two rounds: The preliminary round is open to works with any styles and the evaluation criteria is the creative ability of the contestants. 15 finalists will be selected by the jury. The final round is about proposition creation (with assigned themes), which mainly focuses on contestants’ game music creation and innovation ability. In the end, the award-winning works will be premiered by Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra in the form of live concert.

(2) In order to ensure fairness and justice in the event, all entries will be numbered after submission and evaluated anonymously.

2. Collection Requirements

Preliminary Round

 (1) Application Requirements:

a. There is no application fee.

b. The contestant must be at least 18 years old (born before October 23, 2004). There is no restriction on nationality and occupation.

c. Works submitted in the preliminary round of the 2021 Shanghai Conservatory International Digital Music Festival shall not be submitted again this year.

(2) Entry Content

a. There are no restrictions on subject matter and style, including but not limited to:

① Game soundtrack: Game CG animation soundtrack, game character theme music, game scene music and other applied music (including songs) creation with game as the theme

② Animation soundtrack

③ Short video/movie soundtrack

④ Film/TV program video soundtrack

b. The entry must be a work originally created by the contestant him/herself, whether or not the work has been published.

c. Each contestant shall submit one entry only. The duration of the entry must be 3 to 5 minutes. The file format must be 48kHz 16-bit Stereo WAV file; the maximum size of the video file is 1GB, in MP4 or MOV (H.264 codec) format.
*Note: if the file does not match the required format above, it will be regarded as invalid and will not be evaluated.

(3) Forms of the Entry:

soundtrack for video works or simply sound works.

* The music is the core of the evaluation. Contestants may submit videos, pictures, text and etc. as additional materials to explain the concept or ideas of the music creation. In addition, if contestants can provide any of the following materials to explain the interactive design of the submitted music works, they will also be cited as references in the preliminary review:

-Music paragraphs corresponding to different situations and states;

-Non-linear connection transition between different musical paragraphs;

-Interactive examples built using the game audio middleware.

(4) Materials Required for Application

a. A soundtrack of video work or pure audio work that follows the requirements of technical specifications

b. A scanned copy of the application form correctly filled in and signed by the applicant (see Annex I)

c. A complete, legible and valid scanned copy of passport (photo page).

d. A scanned copy of the Originality Statement signed by the applicant (see Annex II)

(5) Deadline (Beijing time)

Before 5:00 p.m. on October 23, 2022 (Sunday), all the application materials must be sent to the designated email address.

(6) Registration and Contact Information

Send to email address: idmf2022a@163.com

Name the file of the entry as: category - your full name - title of entry

For example: Game Music Group - Zhang San - “XXX”

Email subject format: category – name – title of entry - phone number

For example: Game Music Group - Zhang San - “XXX” - 138888888

Contact Information of the Organizing Committee:

Email: shmadc@163.com (only for consultation, not for submission)

Wechat Account: +86 13917742167

(7)Matters needing attention

· Personal information such as your name should not be included in the submissions.

· Contestants who do not follow the requirements above will be disqualified from participating in the event. And members of the Organizing Committee and the Evaluation Committee will not take the entry for evaluation.

· If any issue regarding the originality of music creation occurs, the contestant will take the consequences and the Organizing Committee reserves the right to withdraw the awards and prizes.

Final Round

(1) Number of finalists

Through expert evaluation, 15 finalists will be selected from the preliminary to participate in the final.

*If a chosen finalist withdraws, the number of finalists and winners is lowered accordingly.

(2) Announcement Time of List of Finalists:

Early November, 2022

(3) Participation form of the final

The finalist should complete the game soundtrack work according to the propositions specified by the Organizing Committee and submit the work audio and orchestra score within the specified time period. The judges will evaluate the entries and make the final ranking. In the end, the award-winning works will be premiered by Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra in the form of live concert.

(4) Materials for Submission

a. Detailed description of the entry, ideas about the design, and music score;

b. Audio track files and engineering files of the entry;

c. Finalists must provide pre-mixed stems of the entries (at least 8 tracks).

(5) Deadline:

Mid-December 2022


IV. Setting of Awards and Bonuses

This group sets up: 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, 3 third prizes, and 9 excellent prizes

1 first prize, with a bonus of RMB 100000before taxesand a certificate

2 second prizes, each with a bonus of RMB 60000 (before taxes) and a certificate

3 third prizes, each with a bonus of RMB 30000 (before taxes) and a certificate

9 excellent prizes, each with a bonus of RMB 10000 (before taxes) and a certificate

*The above bonuses are all tax inclusive. The tax will be imposed by the Organizing Committee according to the Chinese laws.

*Depending on the actual situation, the Evaluation Committee reserves the right to leave certain awards vacant.

*The Evaluation Committee’s decisions are final and cannot be altered.  


V. Concert of Award-winning Works and Awarding Ceremony

(1) The finalists will be invited to the concert and awarding ceremony.

(2) Concert date: January 7, 2023  

Venue: Shangyin Opera House

*The finalists attending the concert and the awarding ceremony need to pay for their own travel, food, hotel and other expenses.

VI. Related rights

(1) Contestants who complete and submit the application form accept the rules by default.

(2) If any contestants fail to provide their personal information truthfully, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to disqualify them from the event and withdraw the awards.

(3) The copyright of the propositional entry in the final round belongs to the contestant self.

(4) The winners should agree to grant the Organizing Committee the following rights free of charge:

a. The Organizing Committee has the right to make non-commercial use of the source files of the award-winning entries and any type of audio-visual products;

b. The Organizing Committee has the right to premiere the award-winning entries and the priority of their performance and publication.

c. The Organizing Committee owns all the video rights of the contestants during the event. 

(5) Wherever the award-winning entries are performed, according to the award-winning level, the award-winning information of this event should be indicated on the cover of the music score or the concert program sheet, such as:

 “This entry won the third prize of game music creation in the 2022 International Digital Music Festival of Shanghai Conservatory of Music.”


VII. Disclaimers

(1) In the case of pandemic or other force majeure, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to change the dates and forms of the event.

(2) The Organizing Committee reserves the right to interpret the rules.

(3) In the case of any changes after the release of the rules, the latest information announced by the Organizing Committee shall prevail.

(2022a)Annex I Application Form.doc

(2022a) Annex II Statement of the Original Music Creation.doc

Shanghai Conservatory of Music International Digital Music Festival Organizing Committee

Shanghai Music Art Development Center for Collaborative Innovation

 September 2022